A Curse So Lonely (Part 1) I already loved, with a bunch of great characters. I didn’t expect it – not in this way – but I seriously thought part 2 was even better. I’ll try not to put too many spoilers below, but I can’t promise I won’t accidentally spoil something (from the first book). So if you haven’t read it yet… What are you waiting for? Buy/borrow the book and start reading!

Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well; rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that Princess Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud. Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. When he is discovered by soldiers and returned to Ironrose by force, Greys allegiances begin to shift. And as he grows closer to an enemy princess, he is forced to decide whether he will stand against Rhen for the crown he never wanted . . .

Through the eyes of two other characters

In part 1 you read from Rhens and Harpers perspective. Their story was actually finished at the end. But in this part we read from Grey – a beloved character from part 1 – and Lia Mara – a new appearance, and daughter of a known enemy from the first book. Although Harper and Rhen did appear in this part, the story was really Grey’s and Lia Mara’s. It was nice to read more from Grey as he is generally very quiet, and now you get to know his train of thought too.

Strong ladies

Not that it’s a feminist book – and I don’t need it to be either – but I do love stories with strong, female protagonists. Sometimes I’m a bit ignorant, so at first I secretly thought: “Ah no, who is Lia Mara? I thought Harper was cool.” And when I finished the story, I liked Lia Mara even more than Harper! Lia Mara doesn’t think much of herself, but she’s a strong girl, with a strong opinion and a good sense of justice. You will love her sister, Nollis Verin, in the long run, despite her shortcomings. And Karis Luran, her mother, is powerful on a whole other level… Not in the right way. But still, very interesting to read about.

Why is it already finished?

It cannot necessarily be called a ’thin’ book, but Kemmerer’s writing style reads so well! She knows how to set a beautiful world, and I loved exploring more of that world in part 2. Now unfortunately I have to wait again for part 3 to be translated in Dutch… What a minus!

Title: A Heart so Fierce and Broken
Author: Brigid Kemmerer
Published: January 2020
Pages: 464
Publisher: Bloomsbury publishing
Rating: 5/5